Sat. Jan 21st, 2023

Utility Software

Utility software is a group of applications which help to analyse, maintain, configure or optimise a computer.

The following are examples of utility software applications:

Disk defragmenter

A disk defragmenter is of use when a traditional hard drive is used. Because files may be stored in segments that are not sequential on the disk, there is a delay in between the reading or writing of successive parts while the read/write head moves to the correct location and the disk spins. This is referred to a fragmentation. By rearranging the data so that successive parts of a file are stored alongside each other on the drive, this latency can be reduced.

A disk defragmenter should not be used on an SSD. For a start, there is virtually zero latency associated with accessing storage locations, and in fact, due to the limited read-write lifespan of an SSD, using a disk defragmenter on one would simply reduce its lifespan. (Memory cells on flash memory can only be erased and re-written a certain number of times before they permanently fail).

Anti-virus software

Used to try and ensure that malware is detected and prevented from running on a system, thus contributing to its maintenance.