Mon. Jan 23rd, 2023

Relational Operators

These are the operators that compare two values. Regardless of the comparison being performed, they all return a boolean value – either true or false. “first value” refers to the left-hand value, and “second value” refers to the right-hand value.


Compare for equality. Returns true if both values are the same, false otherwise


Returns true is the first value is less than the second one, false otherwise (including if the values are equal)


Returns true if the first value is greater than the second one, false otherwise (including in cases of quality)

<> or !=

Compare for inequality; this returns true if the values are not equal, false otherwise


Returns true if the first value is either less than or equal to the second, and false if the first value is greater than the second


Returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second, and false if the first value is less than the second